Mrs. Sweta Prasad

Director & COO

Mrs. Sweta Prasad is a graduate in Statistics (1st position in University) & a Post Graduate in Information Technology. She has more than 18 years of work experience in Software Development and Testing, Training, & Recruitment. She has worked with leading IT Product companies like Subex Inc. and Xoriant Inc. She has expertise in the field of QA and Training. Mrs. Prasad is the COO and leads Testing, Quality Assurance, H R, and General Administration.


M Mrs. Sweta Prasad is a graduate in Statistics (1st position in University) & a Post Graduate in Information Technology. She has more than 18 years of work experience in Software Development and Testing, Training, & Recruitment. She has worked with leading IT Product companies like Subex Inc. and Xoriant Inc. She has expertise in the field of QA and Training. Mrs. Prasad is the COO and leads Testing, Quaity Assutance , H R and General Administration.